Timer Camera App

Android • Redesign • User Interface • Flowchart • Onboarding • App Icon • Prototyping • Testing

Project Overview

When I joined this project this was an existing app called Ghost Photo. Due to the name the app was being confused with apps that claim to take actual ghost photos, so it needed a new name and a redesign with the focus being on making it easy to set up the camera to take photos of you in set time intervals. Target audience for the app are young people leading an active lifestyle.

My Contributions

As this was an existing app the first step was to analyze the flow and overall aesthetic appeal of the app. After that my job was to simplify the process as much as possible and make it intuitive for the users, as well as improve the visual appeal of the entire app. The most important part of the project was designing the onboarding flow that ensures a smooth experience for the user.
"Ljubomir, creates reliably great UX designs. He quickly effortlessly takes rough UI and converts it into polished/sleek UX. I've learned quite a few tactics for solving different UI problems from him. He is very dedicated and wants to see projects through. He even looked at an old and closed project and handed me an additional graphic for it. He goes out of his way to learn new information and stay current about UX design and Android."

Client feedback

Revising the user flow

One of the first steps was to look at the current way the app was structured to make sure there aren't any problems in the flow. Since this was an existing app there wasn't too much room for change but we did decide to add an onboarding flow and tidy up some minor interactions.

Preference testing

To determine which color to go with for the redesign we decided to run a preference test with our target audience. The two options were Cyan and Orange and in the end Orange was preferred by more users.

Designing the onboarding

To help the users start taking photos more easily we added a feature discovery flow that guides the user through each step.

Designing the logo and the icon

Since we wanted to change how the app was viewed by the user it also needed a new logo and icon. The icon is a combination of a camera and a timer icon.

Final UI

After everything else was completed I proceeded to designing the remaining screens which I also implemented in code, in this case XML.

High-fidelity Prototype

After the main phase of the project was complete I also created a prototype of the using ProtoPie. You can check it out on this link.

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